Oracle Value Chain Planning (VCP) is a group of supply chain planning modules within the Oracle E-Business Suite or Oracle ERP. Value Chain Planning (VCP) is a comprehensive solution that puts together planning, optimization, and analytics into a single framework. VCP helps organizations to create flexible supply chains that work proactively to take on any variations in demand. Value chain solutions have a modular approach and are implemented in an incremental fashion to resolve key organizational problems first. All the products in the VCP domain are built upon the foundation established by a prior companion product. This relay approach helps organizations build on the work already done, avoiding any throwaways and providing the highest return on investment.
Whether your organization is looking to expand into new markets or responding to beat out global competitors. Oracle’s E-Business Suite gives you the tools to easily manage the increasing difficulty of operating a business across multiple divisions, regions, and partners while simultaneously increasing your competitive edge and performance, and lowering costs.